Tuesday, 11 December 2012

One book I have come across while doing the PG Cert. that I am actually looking forward to reading.
'Art and (aesthetic) mythology, according to Dewey, is an attempt to find light in a great darkness. Art appeals directly to sense and the sensuous imagination, and many aesthetic and religious experiences occur as the result of energy and material used to expand and intensify the experience of life'.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Constant learning from Brancusi

Portrait of Nancy Cunard
 (Sophisticated Young Lady), 1925-27, walnut on marble base
Brancusi continues to delight. 
The directness of carving with the sophistication of the Parisian avant-garde. 

'RED' @ Making Art Work

 Preview: 16th November 6.30-8.30pm
Exhibition: Opens 17th November 10 – 4pm
'Sophrosyne I' 2012. Silkscreen & collage on paper

Sunday, 28 October 2012