Monday, 24 February 2014

From the Dealers Vault

Reclining Nude Figure 1928 - Frank Dobson

I finally made it to an exhibition that was showing at Mascall's Gallery, Paddock Wood - titled 'Dealers' Vaults'. The gallery is just up the road from my studio, but it is always the way when something is right on your door step, you just never seem to get around to it. The work brought together some big name artists such as Armitage, Chadwick, Caro and Dobson, all of whom had been working in a variety of materials from bronze to terracotta. I was also really pleased to discover another bronze from F.E. McWilliam who is from the same town in N.Ireland as myself. McWilliam was definitely a great inspiration for me as a student, studying art in N. Ireland and I was extremely lucky a few years ago to be selected to take part in several exhibitions at the new F.E. McWilliam Gallery, Banbridge.   
I came away from this show, not only having a desire to create some sculptures in bronze again but I also left with a strong desire to explore the human form in my work. There has always been a 'love - hate' relationship for me with the idea of working with the human form. However, the urge is starting to become so strong now and I don't know how long I can resist getting a block of stone and allowing this urge to take over! 

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

The Sculptor and the Film Maker

Stills from the days shoot at the workshop with Sam Creamer

I met up with ‘Cameraman Sam Creamer’ today at the studio to help me document the progress of the Cobtree Commission. The intention is to create a 5 min short, focusing on the work I’ve been carrying out for Maidstone Borough Council. It wasn’t one of the best days for filming at the workshop, as the weather as usual was wet, dark and gloomy! The footage did however set the scene of how working conditions have been for the last two months!! Sam managed to get some great cut-away shots and close ups of the tools and the stone. He has a real eye for detail and what works on the screen. I am looking forward to seeing the final edited version. When all the work gets installed into the park I hope to get Sam back to film all the sculptures in situ, by that time hopefully the weather would have improved. 

Monday, 3 February 2014

Test Sample!

Before starting the water effect carving on the front of the sculpture I wanted to make a sample piece to determine my pattern. When I've been studying the images and sketches I've produced of the river's flow, it always appears that there is so much movement and shadow on what is a very shallow surface. Looking so closely at the undulating waves starts to blur my vision and it plays with my decision making process with where to start! My intention is to focus on the idea that where one ripple breaks another one is formed, this way I can create a natural rhythmical pattern up the stone.