Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Echoes in the Memory

I was fortunate enough to have a piece of work selected for a group exhibition in Hampshire at the ‘Garden Gallery’. The gallery’s proprietor, Rachel Bebb MA, FRSA. made both my assistant Michael and myself very welcome in the wonderful grounds of her garden. It is a perfect setting for showing sculpture and I can only imagine once all the plants and trees have flowered it will look even more delightful. This will be the first showing of the Portland sculpture I made at the later part of 2013 called ‘Time Capsule for a Sculpture’.
I also installed another piece of Kilkenny into the longer running body of sculptures on display as part of the summer exhibition event. The opening of the group show ‘Echoes in the Memory’ will open on the 10th May and will run until the 19th July. (The work in the background is called ‘Lightline, May 2013’ by Suzanne Redstone ARBS).

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